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About The Friends

Our Mission

The Book Sale is the fundraising arm of the Friends of the Tompkins County Public Library. We raise money for the Friends through our May and October sales every year, to fund the Friends programs and grants.


The Friends' mission is to promote reading by


  • Placing more books in more hands

  • Awarding grants to libraries and community organizations

  • Advocating for library funding, and

  • Encouraging volunteerism


Come shop with us, volunteer with us, donate your used books to us; be part of our mission!

Where Does The Money Go?

After meeting Book Sale expenses (maintenance on the warehouse building, utilities, and other expenses; almost all our labor is provided by volunteers), we give grants to the Tompkins County Public Library and to the the Finger Lakes Library System.

We also award grants to not-for-profit organizations in Tompkins County for reading-related materials, give educational grants to residents of Tompkins County pursuing library degrees, and contribute to continuing education programs for county and school library personnel.


Here are just a few of our recent grant recipients:

  • Advocacy Center of Tompkins County

  • Challenge Industries, Life Options Program

  • Rural Youth Services

  • Family & Children’s Services

  • Hospicare and Palliative Care Services

  • Ithaca Housing Authority, Titus Towers

  • Ithaca Public Education Initiative, Kids Discover the Trail!

  • Southworth Library

  • Tompkins Learning Partners (formerly Literacy Volunteers)

  • Unity House of Cayuga County, Ithaca Day Hab Center

  • Youth Outreach Undergraduates Reshaping Success

Check out some of the organizations that have received grants from the Friends

Our Mission
Where Does The Money Go
Tour Our Book Sale Home

Tour Our

Book Sale Home


The Book Sale's home is a giant blue warehouse at 509 Esty Street in Ithaca.  We purchased the building in 1991 through the foresight and efforts of then-Board President and long-time Book Sale champion, Regina Lennox.  We named the building the Regina C. Lennox Book Sale Building in honor of her in 2017.

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Books That Don't Sell

What Happens To The Books That Don't Sell?

After each sale, volunteers take the unsold books and put them into enormous boxes which are then delivered to Thrift Books. Thrift Books donates some books to charities dedicated to fighting illiteracy and others are sold via the Thrift Books online store. A percentage of the proceeds from these sales comes back to the Friends, where the money helps support libraries and charitable organizations in Tompkins County.


Donated books that are selected for the Collector’s Corner are held for two sales, after which appraisers in Collector’s Corner re-evaluate them. Some are moved to the general sale floor. Others - textbooks and non-vintage books - are sent directly to Thrift Books or offered for sale on

Meet The Coordinators

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Chris is a Book Sale Coordinator and sorts Children's books. She helps Anne to organize and make the Book Sale run smoothly.

Chris Hallam

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Sarah is a Book Sale Assistant Coordinator and sorts Literature Sets. She also handles the Webpage and FaceBook.

Sarah Hatcher

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Leslie Connors

Leslie is a Book Sale Assistant Coordinator and also sorts Vintage. She is in charge of keeping all of us supplied, refreshed, and happy.

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Anne is a Book Sale Assistant Coordinator.  She sorts Religion and also Mythology in Anthropology.

Anne Carson

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